I've used recycled flooring quite a bit. I’m pretty eco conscious so it's alway's one of my first options.
I've done a few floors and I enjoy it, but I'm an electrician not an installer so my angle on it might not be as production friendly as someone who has to make a buck at it.
I think they can look great if done right. They are cost effective, I took 2000 sq. ft. of maple fooring out of a school we were renovating, and all it cost me was sweat. I got a bunch of fir flooring from demo'ed support beams that were re-milled. ect.
your's won't cost you anything.
The drawbacks are, that they are more labor intensive (cleaning the t&g, squaring the edges, removing nails) and you can't resand them as often. ( but how often are you really going to re-sand your floors anyway)
And at the end of the day you can have something beautiful and you can feel good that you reduced the demand of one of the Earths resources.