There was, at one time, a solvent based product called "Renovator" that was supposed to dissolve dirt and wax and allow one to re-coat a floor without worrying about it. I do not know if it's still available. But I'm pretty sure it was basically a mixture of mineral spirits and denatured alcohol, perhaps a 2 to 1 mix. If you are not trying to change the original color, try mixing that in a spray bottle and spraying on a light coat, allowing it to work a few minutes. Then, using some 3M flexible sanding pads,
sand the grooves to clean out the old wax. You may need to do it twice. Make sure you wear gloves and goggles and have good ventilation.
lastly, during a normal sanding of solid oak flooring, how much material is removed from the top of the flooring? 1/32, 1/16, or ??
Typically, about 1/32" from a floor in good condition. Deep dents/gouges will require more sanding.