I am considering Regal flooring too. They have some really beautiful floor finishes with lots of character. I was a little worried about the thinner wear layer (2mm) at first but then thought that this is not the type of flooring that would do well being refinished anyhow (too much character to it). So, I don't think the wear layer would be quite as important (just making assumptions as I am no expert with these things). So, I was ok with going with the flooring but still had some hesitation. It is 1/2 inch thick with 8 layers of Baltic birch, but I do not know what the glue is that they are using for binding the plywood layers. I prefer the idea of going with 3/4 inch engineered wood over 1/2 but not am not sure if that is overkill. Regal uses some form of aluminum oxide with what they call "titanium nanotechnology" for the finish --- they say that this enables them to get better coverage of the floor boards when finishing --- not sure I fully understand this. So, overall it all sounded good to me, and I am still considering them. But, I did read one really negative review on this forum, so I am a bit hesitant. If I can find a brand that has lots of character similar to regal but is 3/4 inch I might go with those. Good luck with your search