My 50 year old house has about 1,000 sq ft of 2-1/2" x 3/4" red oak flooring nailed down to subflooring that is composed of diagonally nailed 6" x 5/8" planks. This is over a raised foundation with crawl space below. From underneath, it appears between the planks that felt paper was used below the original oakflooring. In the kitchen, the subfloor is the same, except that 5/8" plywood and linoleum are the final floor, so that the oak floor and kitchen are on the same plane. I want to rip out the linoleum and plywood, but I don't want to remove the kitchen cabinets. So, I need to cut the second layer of subfloor and linoleum as close to the cabinet base as possible and then nail in the unfinished red oak to match the rest of the house. Any recommendations? Also, shouldn't I used something better than old fashioned felt paper below the new 3/4" oak flooring in the kitchen. I don't mind the sound, but insulation below the floor would be nice.