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 Post subject: Really Confused On Face Pneumatic Nailer/Fasteners -- Help!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:26 am 
Newbie Contributor

Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:56 pm
Posts: 10
I'm getting my tools together for a 5/8" solid horizontal bamboo T&G nail down installation. I've already got my pneumatic side nailer/stapler, but I need to get my face nailer for the end boards and for putting down my plywood underlayment. The nail length I need is about 1-1/4" or 1-1/2" and from what I've read, it's recommended to use a ring- or spiral-shank nail.

Here's the problem:
1.) It seems that they don't make ring-or spiral-shank nails for finishing nailers
2.) I haven't been able to find spiral-shank framing nails less than 2"

If I use the 2" nail, I'm afraid it will be too long (supposedly the nail is not supposed to go through to the joists, only to the underlayment and subfloor).

So what kind of nail gun and nail do you use for the face nailing?

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Amish made hardwood

 Post subject: Re: Really Confused On Face Pneumatic Nailer/Fasteners -- Help!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:25 am 
Prized Contributor

Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:05 pm
Posts: 1391
Location: Knoxville,Tn
most of the time I use a 15g bostich gun with a 2" nail. It will shot shorter nails ive never had an issue with the 2"s. Who told you not to nail into the joist? thats where you want to hit those things. what kind of underlayment are you using anyway? If you using felt or aquabar its not going to matter. the spirals are for nailing down the plywood not for face nailing the start/ending rows.

Kevin Daniel
Heartland Hardwood Flooring
Knoxville, Tn

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 Post subject: Re: Really Confused On Face Pneumatic Nailer/Fasteners -- Help!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:22 pm 
Newbie Contributor

Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:56 pm
Posts: 10
Okay, let me give you a little more information on my floors. My subfloor is 3/4" diagonal solid wood planks on 2"x10" joists spaced 16" O.C. I will be putting down 1/2" plywood underlayment before laying out 15# roofing felt and installing the 5/8" horizontal solid bamboo. Installing approximately 850 sq ft, so I don't think I want to do much manual nailing.

I'm as far from an expert on the subject as possible, but from what I've read, people seem to be specific that the subfloor is secured to the joists, but the underlayment is only secured to the subfloor and not the joists. For example, the Engineered Wood Association (APA) put out a very detailed paper on plywood underlayment installation and specifically recommends that for ideal holding power, the fastener should not exceed the width of the underlayment and subfloor. You can get the paper here. I do plan on screwing down the subfloor planks to the joists using deck screws prior to installation of the underlayment.

In my case, the 2" ring shank nail would extend 3/4" below the subfloor, which doesn't sound like a good idea. Additionally, I'm worried that a 16 gauge 2" ring shank nail will split the tongues when I do the blind nailing on the first few rows of flooring.

Another option that I'm leaning towards is to use 18 gauge 1/4" crown x 1-1/4" flooring staples for both the underlayment attach and the first/last flooring planks (still plan to use my 16 gauge side stapler for the rest of the flooring). These are the same staples used for 1/2" flooring and stapling plywood underlayment seems to be very common, though I've seen some say that 18 gauge staples won't do it.

I realize this is getting into the finer points of proper flooring installation and after seeing how poorly my 60 year floor was attached, I'm sure anything I do will work fine. But since I'm going to all the trouble to tear up and reinstall new floors, I may as well do it right.

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 Post subject: Re: Really Confused On Face Pneumatic Nailer/Fasteners -- Help!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:24 pm 
Newbie Contributor

Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:02 am
Posts: 25
Ive installed bamboo tons of times with no problems and this is what I do. First off you dont need to hit joists with flooring. The plywood is fastened correctly to the joist and the flooring to the plywood correctly, just like siding a house. For bamboo you should use a 20 gauge cleat 1 1/2" in length and what I do with bamboo on the finish walls is I use liquid nail(cut away the paper of course) and I use a few brad nails along with the glue. Bamboo is hard to match the putty sometimes so I find Liquid nail and 18 gauge brads work the best. The holes are tiny and look good filled. Most bamboo is all the same length so cut your starts to a nice stagger non repeating in the next start courses so there is no patterns. Use the waste for cuts. Pay attention to any really short cuts and look at the length of the start board in that row and dont make any starts that length to prevent the extra short cut.

If you must you can use an 18 guage cleat. Powernailer with 20 gauge work great or a Primatech q550 with 18 gauge cleats. Never staple bamboo.

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