I just found the forum two days ago and already have learnt quite a bit from here. I just wish I had founda this a bit sooner.
We instially started thinking we will replace all the carpet in the house with laminate flooring due to allergies for my son. we also had some other work to be done in the house like painting and bathroom upgrades and few other stuff so we choose a contractor based on all the stuff.
After we started researching laminate I really did not like the look of laminate so we decided to change to engineered (due to concrete floors in some part and price) hardwood. we talked to the contractor and he said he was ok with doing it. So we went ahead and chosse BR 111 brazialian cherry 3/8 X 31/4" ( we wanted 5" but the wait was like 3 months

Now that we have the ordered the floor the sales person at the store we bought has been great and has offered us a lot of help in learning about harwood. They also offer installation services but he never pushed it on us. He suggested we should consider flaoting on concrete and stapled on the upstairs .
The contractor we choose wants to do floated floors upstair also. He does not seem very comfortable with stapling the floors upstairs/ He says the 3/8 is to thing for nailing it down. I got the feeling he has alot more expereince with installing solid hardwood or laminate but not engineered.
So here comes my questions:
1) Would you suggest floating or staple/nailing down the floor on plywood upstairs?
2) Is stapling the engineered 3/8 a lot different than sold hardwoord?
3)One more question is that I was reading the BR 111 instruction guideline and it asks us to put 6 mil before we staple the floors down? I though felt paper was the standard? Do you suggest the 6 mil if we decide to staple?
Thanks for reading through all that. Appreciate any help.