snoopy_ wrote:
That makes a lot of sense. So, it allowed them to lay down the planks with minimal measuring. It is funny that it devlops a defined pattern though... staggered, 16", every two or three planks. They look like steps.
I suspect they didn't want all the seams on one joist, so when settling occurred, the stress would be dispersed across the whole floor and not just one seam, but I could be wrong.
Imagine! Back then they actually cared about stuff like that.
snoopy_ wrote:
I am almost finished installing the new floor. It took a lot longer than planned, and now I wished I paid to have it done.

It takes a lot longer than 1/2 hour tv show. And, I have four of my kids helping me (all boys, aged 16-22)!
Tell me about it... I'm just getting started, and it's already been a substantial time / work investment. But the results should justify the effort, I think. I don't mind paying, but it's hard sometimes to get competent contractors to do a good job in a timely fashion. Having zero experience with flooring contractors though, I could be wrong about this too.
BTW, great "handle" Snoopy. Good luck with the project!