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 Post subject: Question about a floor with multiple issues
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:14 am 
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Joined: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:50 am
Posts: 1
Hi everyone, new here, and hoping for some information. Sorry, first post and it is long...

- Home built by national builder, delivered in 9/2013
- Site finished 3" planks
- 2900 sq feet over 2 floors with 80% hardwood through out
- For 14 months the HVAC system was malfunctioning and humidity levels in the home matched that of the outside
- HVAC has been repaired and we are now seeing apx 55% indoor humidity and between 9 and 11% moisture in the floor. It is currently 90 degrees at about 80% humidity outsite.

What we are seeing:
- Cupping and crowning
- Uniform gaps in the hardwoods that coincide with the seems in the subfloor
- Multiple boards are cracked in half or have cracked edges
- End board separation in multiple areas
- Uneven boards, with differences 2 credit cards high in places
- Boards turning against the natural seem, almost trying to rotate in place
- 2 areas on the first floor where there is a visible peak where 4-5 boards are higher than the rest
- The floor is loose and moves similar to a floating floor
- Constant noise. Cracks and pops. Almost sounds like walking in gravel. No squeaking.

What has been done:
In 2014 the bulider came back and ran screws through the subfloor into the hardwoods. This had no affect on the noise

After nearly 2 years of fighting the builder, they finally agreed to fix it. However, their "fix" is to run more screws through the subfloor and face nail every plank. Each plank in the home will be face nailed, then they will refinish the floors.

Thanks for sticking with me so far. My concern is that this is not fixing whatever is wrong with this floor; it is simply masking the issue. I would love to hear from other people in the know to see if face nailing every board is as common as the builder is making it seem, and if the seems like a good fix.


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 Post subject: Re: Question about a floor with multiple issues
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:54 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:08 pm
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Location: Bonita Springs, Florida
The builder should just chalk it up to poor handling, ignorance and or irresponsibility and eat it by replacing it all. Some of those guys do the same thing over and over. To some of them it's always, and I say always..."just get it in and we'll worry about problems later."

What happened over that 14 month period is the hardwood found it's comfort zone in an environment of high humidity. Now the poor floor is forced to dry out with the HVAC system running properly. When you mention uniform gaps with the plywood seams, the underlying plywood and joist system is drying out too. It's pulling the floor apart with it. It's no wonder everything is whacked out of place. Nails aren't holding firm because the subfloor contraction has loosened them.

Ain't no way, face nailing every plank is a suitable fix.

See the room scene gallery at Uptown Floors.

Uptown was created by your administrator, offering my high quality 3/4" engineered floors made in the USA. Unfinished and prefinished.

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