First time, inexperienced homeowner here...doing my homework. I am installing 3/4" oak flooring in a hallway adjoing two bedrooms with existing 3/4" oak flooring. I ripped up several layers of flooring to get down to the original plank subfloor so the height will match up. Moisture barrier still has to be put down but I am preparing for the door way transitions now.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/48521969@N00/12463351923/I have purchased some regular 5.5" wide 3/4" oak boards to use in the doorways and plan to rip them to the exact width I need. My question is whether or not I should go to the trouble of putting in a groove in the board with a router to accept the tongue of the flooring.
I don't own a router but have a friend who could help me out there although due to availability it would realistically mean a 2 to 3 week setback on schedule before all is said and done. And I am not sure the results would be noticeable given the uneven nature of the existing boards that butt up to the header now.
So two questions for now:
1) is it worth it to do this given my inexperience or should I just screw these pieces down into the joist and try to get as tight a fit as possible by using a bevel cut on the table saw?
2) Is there a simple hand tool I can use to get the existing boards nice and flush which would reduce the gap between the header and the perpendicular boards (see close up picture). Again, I could use a router here but it is over my skill level and I still wouldn't be able to get into the corners near the doors.