Floors are a bit different. Due to "live load" stress factors and movement of the boards, that many coats could cause distressing. You might start getting cracks throughout the finish over a period of about a year.
The most coats that should be used is 4. If it shows ANY sign of wear in about 3-5 years, just clean, lightly abrade, vacuum, and recoat. That's called a "maintenance coat", a face-lift. This should be done WAY-y-y before ever wearing down to the stain/wood.
If you're using oil-based poly, then yes, you build with GLOSS (not sem-gloss). Then adjust your sheen with the final coat. Building with gloss will give you nice clarity.
However, if you're using water-based poly, this approach does not apply because water-based is absolutely clear. So even if you build with satin water-based, you'll get the same clarity if you were to build with gloss.
Hope this helps.