you have a sticky situation..the obligation to the builder was probably one year, the typical finish warranty on a new home or remodel..structural is usually about 10 in a new home..
since the floor guy didnt "work" for you , he really owes you nothing. the builder is also out of his obligation after 1 year..since they were installed last summer, you need to compare dates.. if you ARE UNDER 1 YEAR, you have an argument..
did you submit any claim prior and were told to wait?
If you made them aware some months ago, you may be covered.
the right thing to do would be for the Floor guy to do..but that of course, in a perfect world.. I would have a hard time sleeping at night...but i also try to get paid more for jobs so i can offer a solid warranty. unfortunately, most do NOT consider this at time of purchase...they just want the "best price'... well that come with an advantage at the time, but a major disadvantage in your situation;)
I dont know how to help you , because technically, they may be in the right, but ethically and Morally, you are..
Maybe there is still a chance or a major compromise to be had... good luck