OK, I bought some 3/8" plywood, and in this section you can see that along the wall it's
almost the right height. That piece of shingle (or 5 thicknesses of 15 lb roofing felt) makes up for the gap along the new plywood.
Would it be OK to just screw down pieces of plywood like this, and then "feather out" the difference with shingles and/or felt? Most of the sites where I've seen them talking about using shingles, they then install another layer of plywood subfloor over it, whereas I would want to install a layer of the paper underlayment the flooring place sold me over all this, then the hardwood; would that be OK? I assume one would not overlap the shingles because it would make too much of a gap? Building paper seems like it would be better for "fine tuning" the thickness. Also, I'm a little concerned about the crunching noise from the shingle granules.
Now that I leveled
most of the floor, the fact the the people that installed the newer sliding door installed it on a sloping subfloor accentuates the slope, but oh well. I guess that's one more reason it's more important to have it "true" than level. That door was really hard to open and close before though, and after I shimmed it at least it operates smoothly.
Again, I'm a bit embarrassed asking all these newbie questions, but if I don't know, I don't know, right?

At least the subfloor is much more solid feeling, and squeak free now.
BTW only the larger new pieces of plywood you see are glued (using PL Premium) and screwed to the joists, the smaller piece is just glued (with contact cement) and screwed to the old subfloor.
http://www.mediafire.com/#rrt1z6avxg598Edit: Silly me, I just realized, at least in this area, it
is best to place shingles and/or building felt underneath the plywood, like this, right?
Of course, I would have to feather it out so the plywood has complete contact.
http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php? ... 87e6s83y3n