Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Pictures of finished Santos Mahogany Floor, DIY
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:41 pm 
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This forum has been amazing at how much knowledge one can learn about installing floors. Can't thank you guys enough. Well here are some of the pictures. There was roughly 1000 sq. ft. install. Install went great, no irregularities in board width. Laid 15lb felt and nailed with the harbor frieght stapler. Use the 15g harbor freight finishing nailer for blind and top nailing. I still have to put all the basemold and touch up all the top nails. What would be a good product for covering up the top nails? Boards are 3/4 x 3 1/4. After doing this I have so much respect for the people who do this everyday. Its tough work!!!








Amish made hardwood

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:16 am 
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Pics don't work. :(

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:08 pm 
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ok lets try this! :D






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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:56 pm 
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Looks good, how long did it take you? How much of that time was the prep work?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:49 pm 
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I don't post much, but I had to say that floor is gorgeous.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:16 pm 
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Thank you Motoman2 and Ruthie51.

I would consider this job just as hard as building my two level deck. I researched this for a couple of months here and there. Then after we got the kitchen cabinets and granite in it was time to rip the carpets out.

I went room by room ripping the carpet out and under pad. I could not believe how many staples there were that kept the pad down under the carpet. It looked like the contractor that built my house used an m16 staple gun and a million rounds. Once I got the carpet up I inspect the subfloor. Great shape osb since the house was only 6 years old. The joints were terible though, I went through 2 planers and about 3 trashbags of planed wood. Some of the joints looked like a teepee, well not that bad but you get the point.

There were basically three levels to the main floor, the entry way, the family room, then the rest of the floor which included dining room, kitchen and sitting room. Between each level there were stairs. I think 8 stairs total were installed.

I worked two full weekends and the week nights after work between the weekends. I took my time and made sure things were perfect. Maybe 55 hours to install. I have no clue if that is slow or fast, but I made sure it went in the right way.

I used a main spline line down the longest run that split the fireplace and started at the top of the stairs from the basement turn.

Never ripped a 7 foot board before, went pretty good, the amount of dust produced was an eye opener or should I say eye closer.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:12 am 
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Great looking install, whomever advised you on it deserves some credit also (Maybe there should be a forum donation button somewhere lol) Nice looking eitherway. and glad to seee you appreciate how hard we actually work installing these ;)

ps were at about 40-50 sq ft per man per hour for installs :) Just for your own comparison


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:36 am 
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I saw these pictures on another venue. Very fine job you did! :)

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:41 am 
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A side note.

You could have posted your images in our photo gallery and instructions on posting are here

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:54 pm 
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Exquisite Flooring wrote:
Great looking install, whomever advised you on it deserves some credit also (Maybe there should be a forum donation button somewhere lol) Nice looking eitherway. and glad to seee you appreciate how hard we actually work installing these ;)

ps were at about 40-50 sq ft per man per hour for installs :) Just for your own comparison

hey now, I thought the time it took was not bad for a first time noob like myself :D

Credit goes to the search button at the top and all who post questions and the patient people who answer all the questions. Thats who the thanks goes to, the people that take the time out of there day to help us diy people. THANK YOU!!!

So what should I use to fill in the top nails?

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:57 am 
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So what should I use to fill in the top nails?

I prefer this over any other product. Get a few different colors to blend together. One can even apply a dab of finish to this after it's dry. Non-toxic and gets hard.


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