I need some help choosing a floor. My son has asthma and allergies and his Dr suggested we put in hard surface flooring in the rooms he is frequently in. I've been doing lots of research on this site for the past month, but haven't posted a question. I live in St. Augustine Florida and I am going to remove carpet from my living room, master bedroom, stairs and my son's upstairs bedroom. This will be about 1230 sf of hardwood. The remaining floors in our home will be tile. We have three dogs with the largest being 100 pounds. We want a tough, good looking easy to maintain floor. I like the idea of the hardwoods matching existing cabinetry in the house and both the Pattern Plus and Patina Relics have Maple floors with finishes that are VERY close to my cabinets. I like the looks of both floors, and they are pretty similar in price, so it's going to come down to buying the one that will hold up the best. Do any of you have experience with these floors? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thank you for your input!