greetings all!
i've been reading the posts - lots of great information and some very gracious and helpful people out there!
i'm laying 3.25" brazillian cherry in my living room. i'm concerned about the subfloor. i read in a book (bollinger's) that if you're laying the strips PARALLEL to the joists, that your subfloor must be at least 1 & 1/8" thick. good enough. i have no problem with that.
now my questions:

can i have ONE monolithic layer of 1 & 1/8" plywood down for the subfloor, OR would it be better (cost-wise, structurally, or whatever) to have TWO layers (laid @ 90 deg to each other) as long as they add up to the requisite 1 & 1/8 inches? IF the two layer approach is ok, should they be the same thickness? one thicker than the other? if one thicker than the other, WHICH layer should be the thicker one - top or bottom?

also, what KIND of plywood is best in terms of cost / structural considerations?
thank you all in advance. i really appreciate it.