Gary wrote:
Umm, looks like your basic #2 common red oak to me. Natural finish in what? semi-gloss? Sorry man, do you do anything special? Quartersawn white oak? Exotics? Inlays or borders? Parquetry?
Sorry about what?
Quartersawn? not many jobs use that because of cost,I haven't even though it is more stable(I have installed Brazilian Cherry, mahogany,
That was a refinish job with a final coat of woodline semi-gloss
How about this deck for special? done in redwood

I've been in this business for 40 years so I don't think I would have any problem with your borders or what ever.... I will tell you what I have seen in this business (everybody is an expert) and I've seen some pretty lousy sanding and finishing jobs out there... swirls,gouges,waves,crap in the finish,poor adhesion and the list goes on...You could put a chalk line on any one of my installs and it would be dead on