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 Post subject: NOVA wood floors
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:35 pm 
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Anyone here have experience with prefinished solid hardwood from NOVA?

Their product comes direct from Brazil. I saw the NOVA 3/4" - 3" prefinished solid tigerwood. The finish looked smooth and the bevel edges and t&g looked to be cut and milled very precisely. I looked at the pieces that came out of an open box containing 21sf and there appeared to be many 6'/7' lengths along with other random lengths in the 7' long box. The quality of the milling looked as good or better than the sample of BR111 and much better than samples I've seen from others.

I have little to no carpentry skills DIY looking to install about 900sf of this floor in our main level which has 2x6 t&g subfloor (I think) over crawlspace. Currently have carpet over particle board underlay over the sub. Any opinions on tiger wood muiracatiara, in terms of work-ability, stability, and expansion properties in Pacific NW climate?


 Post subject: Re: NOVA wood floors
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:55 pm 
Semi Newbie Contributor

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dchme wrote:

Anyone here have experience with prefinished solid hardwood from NOVA?

Their product comes direct from Brazil. I saw the NOVA 3/4" - 3" prefinished solid tigerwood. The finish looked smooth and the bevel edges and t&g looked to be cut and milled very precisely. I looked at the pieces that came out of an open box containing 21sf and there appeared to be many 6'/7' lengths along with other random lengths in the 7' long box. The quality of the milling looked as good or better than the sample of BR111 and much better than samples I've seen from others.

I have little to no carpentry skills DIY looking to install about 900sf of this floor in our main level which has 2x6 t&g subfloor (I think) over crawlspace. Currently have carpet over particle board underlay over the sub. Any opinions on tiger wood muiracatiara, in terms of work-ability, stability, and expansion properties in Pacific NW climate?

No BBB record. I would stay far away!

 Post subject: Re: NOVA wood floors
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:17 pm 
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KRV wrote:
No BBB record. I would stay far away!

Is having a BBB record that critical? I called NOVA and learned that they don't sell their products direct to consumers. I don't know how the industry works but it's a distributor/dealer network and NOVA is ultimately the manufacturer/importer like BR-111 or Scandian. The BBB lists BR111 but I couldn't fine an entry for Scandian. What if NOVA is a relatively newcomer in the Brazilian exotic flooring products w/o the long track record like BR111?

While shopping and pricing tigerwood, I had one local full service hardwood flooring store (who sells, installs, refinishes, and even teach install and finishing courses through the community college) price tigerwood from BR111, Muskoka, and NOVA(locally hdq) who quoted me $7.50, $7.50, and $6.50, sf prices. I then went to the 2nd warehouse supplier/dealer and was impressed at the quality of the actual material (not samples) of their tigerwood to learn it was the NOVA branded product. Compared to some of the other brands like Johnson and Teal, or questionable Asian made products where the finish and milling looked truly pathetic, the t&g and bevels on the NOVA looked precise and well cut. This is coming from a pair of untrained eye.

I googled nwfa and NOVA and found they had been exhibiting their floors since 2006 (didn't see LL on the list :).

Any one who has worked with NOVA products first hand, please chime in.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:22 pm 
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This reminds me of the time I purchased a GPS unit for my car. I went with this seemingly great up and coming company that is owned by the 3rd largest manufacturer of GPS in the world. The US division was called Fine Drive Digital. They were a new player in the market over here competing with known brands like Magellan and Tom Tom.

To make a long story short, I purchased the Fine Drive GPS for $100 less than the major brands....2 months later I needed warranty service. I was out of luck as they closed up shop. So now I have a $200 paper weight.

The point is....Why would you pass up Muskoka or BR111 for a $1.00/sf break on a brand that you aren't sure will be around? Sorry if that isn't what you wanted to hear.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:29 pm 
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Actually I would be getting the Nova for $5.99 from the 2nd retailer ($6.50 was quoted by the 1st retailer who carries BR111 and Muskoka) so the difference between the Nova and the lowest quoted BR111/Muskoka for 1000sf is $1500. This is a clear grade product vs. similarly priced LL's KOA which would be select grade, and I've read many stories about Bellawood.

Sure if I was doing a 100sf room it's a $150 difference but on a larger scale it's huge.

 Post subject: Re: NOVA wood floors
PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:12 pm 
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I installed Nova USA Brazilian Teak in Nov 2010 started having finish problems throughout 3 rooms in Dec 2010. They are not doing anything to fix the problem. I am hiring a certified inspector then going to court if needed to get this junk replaced! Stay clear of NOVA!

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 Post subject: Re: NOVA wood floors
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:51 pm 
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It is worth the extra cost to get a brand that has a good reputation.

Rhodes Hardwood Flooring
Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN

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 Post subject: Re: NOVA wood floors
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:48 pm 
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This is a 3 1/2 year old thread guys :shock: :roll:

Howard Chorpash
Frazier Mountain Hardwood

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 Post subject: Re: NOVA wood floors
PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:47 am 
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Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:40 am
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The prefinished boards fit together just as raw flooring does, with tongue-and-groove milling along the sides. Start with a firm, flat subfloor of plywood or plank flooring. Nova is a top maker of fine prefinished wood flooring.

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