Can anyone tell me why my general questions were moved to the LL thread?
I moved it for reasons Elastilon is sold by Lumber Liquidators, and yes you are dealing with one of their hardwood products. I'm hoping to get more feedback on Elastilon but it's become elusive.
Acclimation? As long as possible with bamboo. Just keep a eye on keeping the area stable as far as Rh is concerned...but don't take it as a major science project. Before and after. Not a good answer eh?
Saw blade? I've been happy with 40 tooth carbide blades (miter saw)
Stagger? As far apart as possible for best look, but don't get too perfect.
Cutting in Garage? No problem. It's continual and/or prolonged moisture that causes most problems.
Elastilon? No experience, but it sounds like
you have to get it right the first time in so far as placement of boards. Not so with other installation types.
Spacers? I prefer self made wedges.

Spacing? Small layouts: 1/2 inch will work.
Guest Bath? I don't see how that should be treated any different as it will be used sparingly.