mayberry1 wrote:
My husband is going to get hickory boards and prepare each one for the floor. He wants to top nail in rows every 8". We r at odds over this. He is also talkin about putting a clear epoxy (the stuff u put on garage floors) as a durable top coat?
Hate to go behind my man's back.....but does anyone have any ideas on how to get non tongue & groove planks on a plywood subfloor without topnailing it?
Thanks for any and all ideas....u just might save my marriage:)
You could lay it out and have him stand on it as you go down in the crawlspace or basement and drive 1 inch screws up into it. I can't guarantee that it will save your marriage.
As a general rule if Mama ain't happy, there ain't nobody happy!
Personally, I would get a router and a slotting bit and put grooves in every board and use splines in one side so that it can be blind nailed.