Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Newfloor Joist, Sub-floor and all ....
PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2019 12:02 pm 
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So I had to rip up three joists due to termite damage, and have been dancing around finishing the repair. I installed 3 new pressure treated 2x10 beams they span 12'6" I made the 13" and lapped the last 5" of the span a little extra as this reside directly under the entry door way. I need to know what playwood to install. I keep looking at the 23/32 RTD sheathing SYP ... /100041308

But didnt know if this is right. The old sub floor was 3/8 plywood, a sheet of paper material, looks to be golden pine or oak flooring, that had padding and then carpet. The carpet was ripped up and the flooring stained.

I keep seeing posts about T&G but only with "I-beam" style wooden beams. I dont have these. The goal wis to install new OAK, or bamboo something "HARD".

Should I install 1/2 plywood is the 23/32 overkill? What exact plywood should I use.

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Amish made hardwood

 Post subject: Re: Newfloor Joist, Sub-floor and all ....
PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2019 11:17 pm 
Prized Contributor

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:02 am
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Are you sure that pressure treated beams are allowed. I've heard that some treatments lower the structure value of wood. I am not quite sure where you are with your preparation.
If you are going to go over the existing T&G flooring half inch is fine. Patch termite damage with the 23/32 to get even with the top of your T&G flooring, Then use 1/2 inch to cover everything before you ad another layer of either white oak or bamboo.
If you are down to the joists everywhere then use 23/32 T&G plywood before the new flooring.

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 Post subject: Re: Newfloor Joist, Sub-floor and all ....
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2019 1:35 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 27, 2019 11:51 am
Posts: 2
Pete A. wrote:
Are you sure that pressure treated beams are allowed. I've heard that some treatments lower the structure value of wood. I am not quite sure where you are with your preparation.
If you are going to go over the existing T&G flooring half inch is fine. Patch termite damage with the 23/32 to get even with the top of your T&G flooring, Then use 1/2 inch to cover everything before you ad another layer of either white oak or bamboo.
If you are down to the joists everywhere then use 23/32 T&G plywood before the new flooring.

Pete A. wrote:
Are you sure that pressure treated beams are allowed. I've heard that some treatments lower the structure value of wood. I am not quite sure where you are with your preparation.
If you are going to go over the existing T&G flooring half inch is fine. Patch termite damage with the 23/32 to get even with the top of your T&G flooring, Then use 1/2 inch to cover everything before you ad another layer of either white oak or bamboo.
If you are down to the joists everywhere then use 23/32 T&G plywood before the new flooring.

So, whats currently laid down from 1952(house build) date, was 3/8's plywood, over orangeish - redish 2x10's. I had to replace the outer joist closets to the rim joist of the front part of the home. Strange enough the Rim joist that runs parallel with the front face of the home wasn't damaged. So I replaced the most damaged joist which was 10"s OC from the rim joist, and 2 more inside joists which are 16"s OC from that first joist I replaced.

Now, the existing plywood that is down is truly unstable from AGE not termite damage. I ripped up portions of it to replace with brand new thicker sub-floor. The rest of the sub floor I figured Id rip up just to have piece of mind that the whole subfloor was replaced at the same time with exact same structural depth.

A few issues as I have stated is should i just stay with replacing it with brand new 3/8's or upgrade to 1/2, 19/32, 23/32, 3/4 etc then brand new hardwood finished flooring.

Currently what I am walking on from date of purchase is 3/8's sub-floor, standard thickness of pine hardwood that has those old school cleat looking style nails used to mount the hardwood flooring into the sub-floor.

From my understanding the P.T is better as this will deter any further termite damage, I have also treated the house for this issue. with warranty

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 Post subject: Re: Newfloor Joist, Sub-floor and all ....
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2019 12:44 am 
Prized Contributor

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:02 am
Posts: 1757
It used to be that sub-floor would be one half inch minimum. Now you should use 23/32 with T&G edges, or square edge with blocking at edges.
Then you could cover with 3/4 inch thick oak.
I like to keep all the flooring the same height from one room to another.

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