Gary wrote:
Typically, one runs the flooring starting from left to right in a nail down floor. So, if starting on the south wall (rear) of the house, then you'd be at the west corner, not east.
W is the front of the house, E is back. From a logistics stand point SE (fireplace) is the best place, NE is the kitchen and I need to remove cabinets to the install the floor. The cabinets are IKEA that expose the floor.
Gary wrote:
You could start there and work your way across the house, checking for straightness as you go.
SE middle would work for me, never though about since I was try to delay the spline to later (not on my first row), but in reality when I do the spline it will be the halfway mark.
Gary wrote:
Why change direction at the stairwell?
Thought I had to starting in the SE corner. When I got the last room (SW), the spline would be facing W, and the remaining E part of the SW room would have require a spline. reverse Actually I still think it needs to reverse there. What am I missing?