Hi! Team, we had new solid cedar hardwood floor install yesterday. We have total 1200 sq ft to install and 900 sq ft is already installed in one day by the installer. Out of 900 sq ft, one game room is upstairs which is nailed down and used sound barrier on plywood. Remaining 700+ sq ft is downstairs and it is nailed down on plywood. We noticed gaps between plans ( I will try to attach the picture). Gaps are visually big . A quarter size coin can go through it if pass through vertically. Or a key can go through it if you hold vertically.
In a room of 20 X 20 , there are 20-30 planks which have gaps. Contractor says that he will use wood fillings to fill up the gap. The contractor sent another inspector today afternoon and he said these are wide gaps.
Please let me know your feedback. We are suggesting for the replacement of the floor to the contractor and not sure how hard we should fight for it. If we settle down with wood fillings then will there be any problem in future. We are in Dallas, TX.