Okay, experience is a teacher worth listening to.
I decided, after dry-fitting the treads together in my application, to stick to the procedure outlined in
http://www.hardwoodinstaller.com/hardwoodinstaller/stairs-prep6.htm, except that I nail as well as glue.
With three-inch planks, I have room for two full planks behind the stairnose, and then a 1 1/2" strip under the riser. The space between the last full pank and the riser is too tight to allow blind nailing from the rear.
Being an amateur, I don't trust gluing alone, so I am using PL 400 under each plank, then Elmer's Wood Glue between the tongues, and blind nails (two-inch finish) every four inches, with face nails in riser-side strip and stair nose. I am limiting the stair nose nails to one every foot or so.
I figure if this doesn't hold, I might well give up!