Hi - I have a real few basic questions: I paid for the premium Hickory product with an installer with 20 years experience. Our floors were installed this week.
1) Should I expect squeaking floors in many spots?
2) Will these squeaks diminish over a month (as the installer said they would)?
The humidity, wood type, nails, tar paper, etc are irrelevant to me as a consumer, that is what I paid him $10,000 to do. I expected no squeaks or very few. The hickory wood did sit in our house for 2 weeks.
3) Is this unreasonable of me?
I was never informed to expect squeaks and now I have them. The installer said the subfloor was good....he said this type of wood tends to squeak more.....(after the job was finished). I bought everything thru him, so if the wood was not right, that is no my responsibility.
Please any help would be appreciated. I have not made the final payment yet.