Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce my self before I started posting. My name is Ryan of course and am from Ontario, Canada. For the past 14 years I have been a full time cabinet maker (last 6 years I have had my own bussiness called Premier Custom Woodworks). In the last year I have changed my cabinetry style and my bussiness in general and have been focusing on rustic cabinetry as well as rustic home interiors. I am currently doing a 75% reno to my own home and have done everything my self including a bead board ceiling made out of poplar and am getting ready to install wide planked hickory (I know alot of you dislike the thought of wide planked hickory due to movement). It is about as rustic as it gets and is in widths of 5", 6 1/2" and 8". I still have not totally decieded if I am going to face nail the boards with antique cut nails as the hickory is so hard that its hard to get them to sit flush with the face of the board. I attached a picture of the floor sample (actual stain is going to be a touch more brown) and is going be finished with Bona's amber sealer and there Traffic waterbased finish. I have also attached a pic of the ceiling which has turned out great.
What is everyones opinions on face nailing. My only fear is that it could cause sever skinned knee's on our little daughter if she were to slip and fall!
