We would like to put flooring in the dining room, living room, foyer and continue into the family room.
It seems like I should start at the proposed control line and lay flooring in both directions from the control line in order to get the floor to match up around the wide doorways in the living room. I would then like to continue the flooring into the family room. We would like use Bruce engineered narrow (~3 inch) flooring which would be stapled to the subfooring which is 3/4 inch plywood over 1/2 inch plywood. The flooring will run perpendicular to the floor joists.
My questions are;
1. Is this the best way to deal with the doorways in the living room?
2. Will we need an expansion joint or transition joint between the foyer and family room since the width of the flooring from the control line to the outside of the family room will approach 30 feet?
Any comments will be greatly appreciated.