Hi guys, I need advices please.
so I decided to do the old hardwood floor myself. probably would save only half money than I were to hire professionals. I wasted some money renting square screen machine and realized that was not aggressive enough to sand off scratches and discoloration of the old floor. that's 100 bucks

Belt sander is the way to go! so I did it with 36, 60, 100.
the important thing is I skipped buffing the floor as I saw some youtube videos skipping that step also. the second thing I skipped which I now regret is the sanding sealer(I went for natural color without stain).
here is my question or problem: after first coat of oil-based polyurethane, it's really rough and I sanded lightly with 220. they are not smooth at all as of now. Should I continue to the 2nd coat or there's remedy for the steps that I skipped. Do I need 3rd coat to make it eventually smooth enough?
I really thought I could save some time by skipping those 2 things(buffing & sanding sealer) since I was doing it all by myself and it's an old floor. thanks in advance.