Bruce has a different installation requirement that others, as most all manufacturers do. They only call for poly paper or their product to be installed over the plywood. As well they say the use of asphalt paper is optional. Which it is, but from experience without a layer of asphalt paper over the surface the floor will tend to create more noise than a floor that has it installed. In
Bruce’s installation instructions under the heading “sub-flooring regiments must be:” it explains the optional use of asphalt paper. Personally, I use the poly, then plywood and finally asphalt paper on the top as a slip sheet and a noise barrier. Before I proceed with any installation of a new manufacturer's product I email them and get confirmation that my procedure will be covered under warranty. If you decide to use this technique then I would suggest doing the same. I know others use the poly and then the asphalt on top of the sub-floor which is normal install procedures for Bruce (Bruce does not warranty sub-flooring) but moisture in the sub floor, which will get in to it if the bottom is left exposed, will tend to weaken it over time. Personally, I try to always install asphalt paper as my slip sheet. It gives the floor a completely different feel.