Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: nailed down floor over old cutback adhesive
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:41 pm 
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I am renovating an apartment, and my contractor has just taken out the old wood floor, revealing a layer of black glue underneath (cutback adhesive, from the 1980’s/90’s)

is it best to 1) leave the cutback alone; 2) encapsulate it; or 3) remove it?

the goal is to first lay down a sound/moisture barrier (a product called Floor Muffler), followed by plywood subfloor (nailed down), and lastly hardwood floor (also nailed down).

I’m concerned about the smell. I don’t want to live in an apartment that constantly smells like petroleum (or whatever it is). Those VOC’s can’t be good from a health perspective.

Would the smell go away over time? If it won’t, would the hardwood + plywood + Floor Muffler combo be sufficient to seal up the cutback? I do realize that by nailing down the plywood subfloor, it will puncture the Floor Muffler and nullify its moisture barrier properties.

What would you guys suggest?

On a related note, do you think the uneven layer of old cutback would create any leveling issues for the new floor?

Amish made hardwood

 Post subject: Re: nailed down floor over old cutback adhesive
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:29 pm 
Prized Contributor

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:02 am
Posts: 1757
The cut-back by itself will not be a problem. It is sticky so sweeping debris off of it is problematic. Did the room smell with the old floor intact over the cut-back?Covering the cut-back with the floor muffler will make it much more pleasant to lay another floor on top. It would be very time consuming to remove the cut-back,
you would need to take up the old sub-floor to get all of it out.

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