Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Nail over Vinyl ?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:06 pm 
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We have a house which was built 3 years ago. We live in the Midwest.
There is Vinyl flooring in the Entry area, Kitchen and Dinette.
We would like to install hardwood in this area.
This is on grade and Level 1 and there is a basement under this floor.
We are currently trying to decide between Brazilian Cherry and Amendoim.
At this time, we are also open to both solid or engineered wood even though we are leaning more towards the solid and a nail down installation.

Is it advisable to install 5/16" or 3/4" solid wood using a nail down installation method directly over the Vinyl OR do I have to rip off the Vinyl prior to installing hardwood?

I would like to avoid ripping off the vinyl if this is unnecessary.

Thanks in advance for suggestions


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:55 am 
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You may install over the vinyl IF it is not perimeter glued and is a full spread adhered vinyl floor and IF the vinyl underlayment is not particle board. It can be 1/4" luan or other underlayments but not particle board.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:25 am 
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Over a plywood subfloor, vinyl is suppose to have a ΒΌ" birch underlayment. If your does, you will have to remove it. If this is what you have, tear it all out as one demolition. Don't remove the vinyl, then the underlayment. Do it all at once.

When you want it done WRIGHT

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PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:50 pm 
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I'm in exactly this same situation. I'm going to be installing 3/4 Durawood Golden Oak (nailing). THe existing floor appears to be full spread adhered and there looks to be a 1/4 underlayment... not sure if it's birch or just luan.

Anyway, I'm a little confused by the above replies as the seem to be saying exactly the opposite. I'm trying to decide whether to pull up the vinyl and underlayment or not. Seems as if I'd just have to put an underlayment back down and then lay felt... what would that really do for me? Obviously I'd rather leave the vinyl down since it's less work, but is there good reason to pull it up?

I'm laying it on a plywood floor above a crawlspace with a moisture barrier.

Is the conflict above strictly related to the birch underlayment or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:31 am 
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That is confusing :D . It can stay down as long as the underlayment is not particle board. But, I take them up usually so i can come back later and install more flooring if need be. Many times customers want to add more later on and then there is a height difference to deal with.

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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:28 am 
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Thanks! When you take it up, how do you deal with the 1/4" underlayment which extends under the cabinets, etc? Do you just use a power jamb saw or some other tool?

I'm considering taking it up now based solely on the height difference.

Where are you in Virginia???

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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:44 am 
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In this case, Perry (Floorguy) is incorrect, IMO. NOFMA clearly states that hardwood floors may be installed over vinyl flooring and over underlayments that are NOT particle board. I fail to see why 1/4" birch plywood would be a problem. Perry, do you want to expand on your answer? Please, give us the reasoning behind your reply.

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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:16 pm 
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Roanoke, or as we pronounce it Runoak :) I use a toekick saw with the optional small diameter blade. You can also just use a sharp razor knife and score it several times, break it off, then go back and clean up the rough edges. Fairly easy to take up if it is not glued down, thankfully most are not.

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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:06 pm 
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Joined: Tue May 16, 2006 9:39 pm
Posts: 3
Thanks tons for the info! One more question... Would you guys recommend a pneumatic nailer or screws and plugs for the first and last rows?


If ytou were closer to Hampton Roads I was thinking I could have saved myself this aggravation... :D

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