Hello Everyone,
I'm in the process of finishing a new showroom for pianos and I have selected Tiete Rosewood for a floor, and I'm not sure whether or not I should use the rosewood for the trim, or if I should go for white molding. The Flooring installer suggested white so that I have contrast between the floor and wall. The upper part of the wall is cream and the lower part is olive. If I go for white, I could also run a chair rail where the two colors meet in cream.
My concern is that the contrast would between the olive paint and the floor woudl get lost. Should I go with cream trim? It is a modern room selling modern high-quality pianos. Also, does anyone have suggestions for a finish? I looked at oil because it is very repairable if piano casters scratch. Poly finishes are tough to touch up so I'm uncertain about what to do.
Looking for suggestions. - I will post pics when all if finished AND the room has a stage that will be very sharp. Let me know what I should do.
Best, BC
I will post pictures upon completion.