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 Post subject: Moisture in Toronto and Underlayment?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:17 pm 
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I'm not finding answers to my specific questions so here goes.
thanks in advance for any advice provided.

i'm laying 3 1/4" russian maple (from china) in Toronto- wow really? so much for the 100 mile reno.

i'm seen a lot of recomendations re: humidity stating I need to maintain my house betwen 35% and 45-50%.

I installed a furnace humidifier over 3 weeks ago, but i can't seem to get my house above 30%. since it has been pretty cold lately, i'm not surprised.

my wood has been sitting out of box for 3 weeks now, but i am nervous b/c moisture is below 35%.

I bought a moisture meter, but all it shows is the hardwood and subfloor are <6%.

Q1) Can I install, or should i get the humidity up more and wait an additional 2 weeks prior to installing?

Q2) re: underlayment. everyone at home depot seems to have a different answer. some say felt, some say reg. construction paper, some say wax paper, some say cork. Can someone tell me which one to use?

thanks again and i'll look forward to seeing some comments. oh ya- i'm installing.


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 Post subject: Re: Moisture in Toronto and Underlayment?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:57 pm 
Prized Contributor
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The MC of the hardwood and the RH of your living conditions are two different types of readings.
I would say that it's advisable to bring the RH up to the 35% range or over before installation, otherwise come summer when the RH naturally starts climbing, you may have problems.
Before installation the MC of a 3/4" solid hardwood should be within 2% of the subfloor. Right now your looking good, ( dead on at 6% ). Although those numbers will change slightly when you bring up the RH.

As far as underlayment...I typically use 15 lb. saturated felt. A lot of installers will use cork, believing it gives the option of better insulating/acoustic qualities. Personally if I have a customer that is looking for those qualities, I recommend Insulayment. I have not used wax paper, although I have heard of it's use in your area. IMO red rosen paper is not an underlayment.

Howard Chorpash
Frazier Mountain Hardwood

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 Post subject: Re: Moisture in Toronto and Underlayment?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:04 pm 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:15 pm
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First thing I would do is get a micrometer and measure the widths of those boards on both ends and make sure they are reasonably the same. Chinese stuff around here is famous for being different widths.

I live in Barrie and have issues with the humidity around here. It is very difficult this time of year to get it up as high as I would like. I install under the conditions you mentioned and have not had a floor fail yet. Just make sure of your expansion gaps are adequate.

As for underlayment, construction paper is a no-no as it sucks up humidity. The wax paper is used by most installers around here and its only use is to assist with the installation of the product, the flooring slides easier on it. Cant really say much about cork for hardwood. I always use felt paper. If you search the forum and find comments from Dennis (a person that works in a very large company in toronto area), they use something similar to felt on their houses on the first level of the house. This was done because of all the issues they would run into with floors cupping and that underlayment has almost eliminated their problems.

One other thing I always tell my customers here is to watch the humidity in the basement. Especially if it has not been finished or your house is fairly new.

Hope this helps.

 Post subject: Re: Moisture in Toronto and Underlayment?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:55 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:51 pm
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thank you for your comments.

i've turned my himidifier on low and am slowing bringing up the humidity to 35%. i'm assuming i should wait a few weeks with the increase in humity.

As far as underlayment, i think i'd like to use something that will help control (or help) with changs in humidity. When you say felt, are you meaning the asphalt paper they use on roofs?
i'd be surprised that people use tar in their house. really?

I'd love to know that product that "Denis" uses at his company. i couldn't find a post re: that. anyone?

Please let me know, as I really appreciate your comments.


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 Post subject: Re: Moisture in Toronto and Underlayment?
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:50 pm 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:15 pm
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Location: Alcona, Ontario
Hi Neil

Sorry for not getting back sooner. Felt paper has been used for years and has been recommended by many manufacturers.

As for the other stuff, here is a link to a topic and you will find the web page for the company to purchase it under Dennis's posts


 Post subject: Re: Moisture in Toronto and Underlayment?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:37 am 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:15 pm
Posts: 206
Location: Alcona, Ontario
Forgot the link


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