i am brand new to you forum and would like to make a general statement concerning hardwood floors.
today is feburay 4,2008. my wife and i today finnally finnished a court trial concerning the engineered hard wood floor we installed in july 2000. to make this statement as short as possible, we lost our trial because our installer failed to follow the steps outlined in the installation procedures and i did not read the fine print in the warrenty concerning moisture check and vaper barriers.
people, if you are an owner/builder or you are planning on installing your own floor, i beseach you to read the fine print in the warrenty for your floor before you purchase that floor. i promise you, you do not know how the manufacuter will get out of any responsibllity if your floor fails for what ever reason if you do not FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES TO THE LETTER! if you want any more information concerning what i have learned in the past 7 years dealing with this horrible problem please feel free to email me or leave a msg on this forum. i want to let the flooring manufacturing industry know that i may have lost my case but i WILL have the last word concerning INDUSTRY customer relations.