Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: moisture
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:43 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:26 pm
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i am brand new to you forum and would like to make a general statement concerning hardwood floors.
today is feburay 4,2008. my wife and i today finnally finnished a court trial concerning the engineered hard wood floor we installed in july 2000. to make this statement as short as possible, we lost our trial because our installer failed to follow the steps outlined in the installation procedures and i did not read the fine print in the warrenty concerning moisture check and vaper barriers.
people, if you are an owner/builder or you are planning on installing your own floor, i beseach you to read the fine print in the warrenty for your floor before you purchase that floor. i promise you, you do not know how the manufacuter will get out of any responsibllity if your floor fails for what ever reason if you do not FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES TO THE LETTER! if you want any more information concerning what i have learned in the past 7 years dealing with this horrible problem please feel free to email me or leave a msg on this forum. i want to let the flooring manufacturing industry know that i may have lost my case but i WILL have the last word concerning INDUSTRY customer relations. :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Amish made hardwood

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:05 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:44 am
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You sued the wrong guy!!!!!

You should have sued your installer!!!

The manufacturer has no liability for your moisture concerns. There is nothing wrong with the wood. The problem lies in your property. How is the wood manufacturer liable for that??

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:30 am 
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we did suie the installer but they contersuid saying our sub floor did not have moisture in it and thats why they proceeded with the installation. so being just a one time home builder, i assumed that that meant the product was defective out of the box. our floor manufacture came out twice and said yes there was a moisture problem but never told us where it was coming from since the crawl space was dry and never gave us a way to fix it. now THATS customer service from the experts. have you ever heard of an automobile recall? at least that industry will admit there is problem with thier product and not put the monkey on their dealerships. :cry:

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:01 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:44 am
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I'm sorry you went into litigation, unpreparred.

Where was your commissioned Certified Wood Flooring Inspector, when litigation was on going?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:59 pm 
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commissioned who?????? the best thing i learned out of this house building experience was to trust on one, measure twice and than once more, and dont assume anything when people talk to you. i truly appriciate the quick replys about my problem but my main purpose in this blog/forum is to inform others of the pit falls of wood floors and what they need to be aware of if they do it themselves. thanks again

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:52 pm 
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what they need to be aware of if they do it themselves.

Well, that's one of the reasons many of us pros here donate our time for free to educate the consumer regarding wood flooring. It is hard to say exactly what happened in your case. Did anyone ever determine exactly where this moisture was coming from? If your crawl space was dry and the installer took moisture meter readings prior to installing the floor (and those checked out within specs), then the moisture problem must have happened at a later date. OR, the flooring was defective. But not because it was made that way. It may have been stored and handled improperly. Rare but I've seen it. But you can't fake out numbers or science. The wood is either dry and within spec or it's not. A more possible scenario is the installer lied about it being in spec. Or, the moisture problem happened after the installation was completed. After the installation of the floor, it is incumbent upon the homeowner to "properly maintain" their floor. I give every customer a simple check list of things to do and not do with their floors. And how to clean and care for them. It actually would be "fun" for me to see your court minutes and pleadings, just to get an idea of what transpires in court regarding product failures and how courts resolve them. If you had a NWFA Certified Flooring Inspector and Failure Analyst, they may have been able to tell where the moisture came from and when. With that info, the liability could be addressed. Well, you know what they say about hindsight. Sorry it came down to this. But we do say this ALL THE TIME. Double check out the installer(s) you hire. The cheapest guy may not be the best value if your floor fails. And you get what you pay for. The chinese import may look good for a low price. But does it have a history of handling claims fairly? Good questions to ask before plunking down your cash.

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