Hello, I have some ? regarding the install of prefinished engineered hardwood. I have been looking at Mercier premium hard Maple for my small 200 SF Kitchen. I believe I will just install the floors first as I am doing a complete kitchen remodel and the floor will go much faster without cutting around obstructions (Cabinets). The subfloor is 3/4 plywood over 2X10 joist. I will be removing the 3/4 Particle underlayment that currently covers the plywood.
1) Is Engineered (Solid) preferred over solid hardwood in a kitchen install? Should I even put wood in my kitchen!?
2)Should I add a 3/8 or 1/4 ? sheet of CDX (over the 3/4) to stiffen the subfloor before stapling down the 1/2 thick Engineered flooring?
3)My brother owns a bostitch hardwood stapler model bostitch M111FS that he used for his 3/4 solid oak install, would this work for my 1/2 engineered product?
4)What stapler is recomended for this type (1/2 engineered) flooring? Mercier calls out the use of 1-1/4 inch staples. (for their premium engeneered product)
I really love the look of my Brothers Lauzon 3/4 prefinished solid white oak. If the benefits of the engineered over solid aren't that great in the kitchen should I just get the 3/4 solid wood and use my Bro's Stapler and associated tooling he has already purchased for his floor. and if I go with the 3/4 solid Maple is the single 3/4 plywood subfloor good to go without an additional later of CDX?
Thanks in advance, I really appreciate your oppinions.
Oh and as far as wood in the kitchen my main concerns are the small spills that occur occasionally. We don't have any big dogs, just a couple of little kids! The kitchen is on the second floor of our home (above grade) so maybe i should just go with the solid? or engineered? solid? engineered? you get the idea!
If you tell me to just close my eyes and pick one I will most certainly pick the solid as I wont need to spend the $ on new tooling. But if you beleive there are real world benefits to the engineered I will bite the bullet and buy the proper tools to do it right.
Sorry about the long windedness!