Semi Newbie Contributor |
Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:05 pm Posts: 61
I've learned much on this forum! Thanks again to all those here who are so willing to share with others.
My 3/4" Prefinished Bruce Hardwood (CR3455) is now acclimating in the room it will be installed in for the next phase of my project. I have borrowed a Digital Wagner L609 Moisure Detector to measure the moisture content of my HW and Plywood subfloor (30 yrs old - 2 layers - 5/8" and 1/2"). I am shooting for no more than 4% difference between the subfloor and HW. Is this a good target???
I have also found that the readings on the subfloor vary from place to place so have been taking a number of readings in each 4x8 section of plywood... averaging them and marking each section with the average of the readings. The sections so marked range about 6.5% to 9.5%. Is this much variation normal and acceptable???
The Wagner meter is calibrated for Douglas Fir and readings must be adjusted for other species. Tables are provided with appropriate corrections for different species but I'm not sure which species to use.
There are a number of different White and Red Oak species listed in the HW section of the correction tables and the corrections vary significantly. Can anyone tell me what particlar specie (or species) Bruce uses for this particular product (CR3455)???
Also "Plywood" is not specifically listed in the tables. What, if any, corrections should I use for readings on the plywood???
I look forward to any replies and suggestions. ZT