As we only sell engineered and most of our installs are glue down, I can tell you I go through skids of Novaplan every month. Its fantastic stuff provided you skim coat or flood the areas. We use planipatch as well, but far less, as it's designed to be troweled and screeded as necessary and takes more finesse to work properly. Its not self levelling either, so its good for filling deep lows or working up one side of an uneven threshold or other tricky areas that require a lot of material - trenches dug for conduits etc.
SLC is a bulk product though. 30 bags per 1000 sqft for the novaplan and thats being conservative. So it depends on how much you need to flatten out. Remember that the goal for engineered is 1/8th over 8ft FLAT, not level. Use a long straight edge to check your lows - if you need more than 1/4'' of material to make it flat, you can try planipatch to fill the hole, then skim coat on top to flatten it off. If you're in a real hurry, use QuickPatch instead of Planipatch.
Hope this helps!