Hey, I advertise on CL!

I bet there's probably zero installers with any type of wood meter on there, one reason I advertise on there. And it's free. I bet there are zero installers on there who have taken a course from the NWFA like me. Or any who can explain what a CSP-2 or CSP-3 is or what it looks like.
I also do Wagner Rh tests and CaCl, the latter if needed.
Nothing wrong with advertising on CL. I pick up quite a few jobs on there. I just don't like working for your box store or carpet retailer.
I've spoken to LL guys numerous times and installed their wood and bamboo with no problems as well. But one has to be careful and acclimate, test and cull out the krap. Most of those LL guys are so young they obviously have zero hands on experience, as like many NWFA inspectors.

I don't expect them to tell me how to install the wood, or have them tell the consumer how to. And in turn I will not tell them how to sell wood.