I just need to say, I have been doing wood floors for over 12yrs now, and while I know alot, I dont know everything. (I have worked for people in business for 30+yrs who refuse to learn/try new ways etc. before) And I have bounced around from company to company before I went on my own. At each company I learned something new (a new way to do something etc.) Even from the people I employ Its possible to learn something new from them. My idea is to never stop learning. And I know I can to all normal jobs on my own, and some fantastic ones as well. Its just good to know that I can come here and get honest advice here. (locally people usually wont say anything, or give me wrong advice in ordwer to sabotage my business lol). But I felt it nessicary to go ahead and thank people here for being so forthcomming with information. esp ken, gary, floorguy, and others. I realize I may just seem like the "butcher" from chicago, But Im sure after reading my posts you all know I am not.
So I just needed to thank everyone around here for helping me when I needed it

I will do my best to try and help everyone I can also.