Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: List of DIY do's and dont's
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:38 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:46 pm
Posts: 10
Location: N. Central TN, Fentress Co.
I make T/G flooring.
I do my best to get customers to hire a well qualified pro to do the installation but some people insist on DIY.

Where is a good simple list of do's and don't or how to to give these people.

Some want to:
use a brad nailer,, lay 3/4" thick solid over floor joists (no subfloor),,, have me machine their materials that are 15%mc and won't let me kiln dry it (I charge a lousy $.20sq' to dry),, pre finish non chamfer edge flooring,, line up the ends on side by side rows to try to create a wide board look,, or my favorite "learn as we go"


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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 1:06 pm 
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Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:23 pm
Posts: 13
I don't have a list, but I can say that the information is there if someone is willing to actually follow it. I was able to install, sand and finish about 1200 sq ft of natural maple (looks a lot like hickory), and do the stair treads in it too. I wish I had taken more time on the rough sanding, but it still turned out rather well.

I've been building a house for the past 18 months. I did the contracting, the floors (tile and wood), finish carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting and anything else I thought I could do.

I learned that a lot of people that want to diy are not equiped to do it correctly, and don't really want good advice. They think since someone else can do it themselves, it must be easy, and you must save a lot of money. Even when useful advice is given, it is rarely taken if it doesn't match the preconcieved notion of what they wanted to do. Also, the home depot and lowes employees aren't good for advice (except bad advice).

I didn't help, but as a diy type, I feel for those that have to answer diy questions.


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