Ernesto and I are not talking about a business license but a CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE issued by a state authority. Here, lots of cities try to ding the contractors into getting a business license for every little burg in the area. In this metropoliton area, we have over 50 cities in a 60 mile radius. We all pretty much ignore them unless they withhold a building permit till all the subs pay for their crummy city business license. It's a rip-off.
General liability rates are going up like crazy. Five years ago, I got a 1 mil. policy for $900 annually. Now it's double and my coverage is half. When ya add license fees, bond fees, insurance for trucks and liability, state tax, sales tax, federal tax + 100% of the SS and medicare bill, it's a wonder we can make any money. How do ya spell TAX RELIEF? I'm lucky if I take home 50% of what I earn and I don't have a six figure income
No wonder so many guys are into the "underground economy"