JIMMIEM wrote:
Wood expands and contracts with changes in its moisture content. The wood's moisture content will be affected by changes in the relative humidity of your home. The 1/2" gap around the perimeter of the room is there in case there is an extreme increase the wood's moisture content...say a flood or extremely high humidity level. If this were to happen the gap would help prevent the floor from pushing on and damaging walls, pipes, etc. It's a good idea to follow the manufacturer's installation instructions.
that makes sense, but being in the high desert (colorado springs), it seems unlikely we'll get any kind of sustained high humidity levels, and all floors are above grade.
the other issue is that one side of the layout butts up against a railing base that is flush with the floor, has no baseboard molding, and would be very difficult to add molding to. i have a few ideas about how to cover an expansion gap there, but none are pretty.