I would like some guidance on starting a room with hardwood flooring, taking into consideration the rest of the level that will be floored in a secondary step.
I have prepped the great room (see image below) and am ready to start laying the engineered flooring, but want to make sure i will be ok starting here, rather than in the kitchen, since the kitchen part needs to wait until we take the cabinets and island out.
my plan is to strike a reference line on the wall that divides the kitchen and great room, and go outwards to cover the great room first. then i'll use some slip tongue to go back into the kitchen area - going on both sides along other walls, hopefully with both sides of my "direction 2" meeting up on a common (theoretical) reference line once I am in the kitchen.
it seems that even though the flooring that i will lay in the 2nd direction should be consistent, so when they clear the side walls, I can lay a row across the kitchen and have everything meet up perfectly.
Unfortunately i am learning that things don't always work out like i want them to, and wanted to get the guidance of experts here who can tell me why this might not work, so I can make a better plan.