Dave got me thinking... say you snap a line in the middle of the room for the first row.
You're going to have to spline it on the groove side to start laying in the reverse direction, eventually.
Can you screw in some big hefty blocks butting up to the groove side of the first row, flush with the snapped line, butt your first row against these blocks and start nailing with the MIIIFS to your heart's content... using the hefty stopper blocks as a backstop to keep it all straight?
Then once that half the floor is in, unscrew the hefty stopper blocks, glue in the spline (double tongue), nail the glued-in spline side down tight, then go merrily along in the reverse direction?
This would save face nails and avoid the hassle of manual blind nailing the first few rows.
I just pulled this idea from reading these messages... I know there is a RIGHT way to do it... is this close?