Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:44 pm 
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I live on the 10th floor of a 30 story high-rise and the regs require that I have a sound proof barrier between the wood and the concrete floor. I currently have carpet that I am about to rip out.

The wood flooring I have is a 5/16"h x 3 1/8"w solid Santos Mahogany wood from BR-111 which the mfg. says can only be nailed or glued, recommended over a wood sub-floor. I can't nail to the concrete, nor glue w/o a subfloor. So if I must have a sub-floor, this is where I need the details. (unless I could float which I prefer, but the mfg. of this type wood doesn't allow for it).

I was hoping someone could tell me what order I put the materials down on the floor. I think I'm going to have to go glue down. I'd much rather float it, but can it be floated if the mfg. says glue down only? I'm sure if something goes wrong, they'd (pretty much goes for any mfg.) never back their warranty anyways because *I'm* the one installing it, a non-professional and they'd just find something wrong (just like the insurance industry). Anyways, so that's not a concern.

My concern is how many layers of what at what size, because I think this is going to cause my floor to be higher than I want, specifically because it leads to several areas where I have stone tile directly leading to the wood floor, so therefore, I'd have a step down.

Can anyone help out w/ the sub-floor layers of what I must use here? 10 floors up I don't expect there to be humidity as would be found below grade, and though it would be low as I understand it, I lay down plastic first anyways. Then a type of cork or whatever sound proof barrier, then a 3/8" plywood? And then glue the floor on top of that? Is that about right?

Any help much appreciated.

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 Post subject: Re: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:11 pm 
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It's not a good idea to float that's not made to be floated.
I would say your thinking is along the right lines with installing a floating subfloor. If it was me....I would go with 6 mil poly, Insulayment, 1/2" plywood. Insulayment meets or exceeds most condo associations sound proofing requirements, but I would get it in writing from the assoc.
Gluedown is not advised over a floating subfloor. I would then go with an 18 gauge staple down installation. ( 3/8" plywood is too thin for fastener grab)

Howard Chorpash
Frazier Mountain Hardwood

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 Post subject: Re: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:23 pm 
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I'd bite the bullet and send it back, then buy a locking hardwood from them or someone else. Your expenditures for the plywood over plywood is probably going to be more ( depending on sq footage) to put that in than sending it back and getting the appropriate floor for your use. That way you can buy the underlayment as required by your association. Big plus, it's easier to install and won't be so high against transitioning areas. ... ors-c8.htm

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:44 pm 
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floormeintucson wrote:
I'd bite the bullet and send it back, then buy a locking hardwood from them or someone else. Your expenditures for the plywood over plywood is probably going to be more ( depending on sq footage) to put that in than sending it back and getting the appropriate floor for your use. That way you can buy the underlayment as required by your association. Big plus, it's easier to install and won't be so high against transitioning areas. ... ors-c8.htm

Good point......I would imagine BR-111 would be open to an exchange....Click and go.....

Howard Chorpash
Frazier Mountain Hardwood

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 Post subject: Re: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:52 pm 
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Or you could glue down cork then glue your wood to that.

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 Post subject: Re: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:06 pm 
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jeff burstein wrote:
Or you could glue down cork then glue your wood to that.

Yet another good solution. But you can't use just any cork, I think the NWFA recommends 6mm οr thicker acoustical cork material applied tο thе subfloor οr underlayment wіth аn adhesive approved bу thе manufacturer.

Also, many condo regs can exceed the uniform, state or local building codes. Better check and see if they specify any specific ones with sound ratings.

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:26 pm 
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This is all very helpful. The truth is, I haven't bought the wood yet. But it's the only floor that I really do like, the color is perfect and style is perfect, the solid has a slight bevel on the edge as opposed to other S.M. types, and I do think there is a difference w/ engineered strips over solid wood, enough that I can tell the difference between the two. So I'm kind of sold on this Santos Mahogany. I've only got about 350 sq. ft. for it.

I could go w/ a thicker wood, but don't see that that will help my situation any. I'm going to further research the last idea as well as the plywood subfloor. Seems like those are my only options. I didn't know I could just put it over cork and glue that. Would a thicker wood like 3/4" or 5/8" instead of the 5/16" be a better option if it were just over cork? Would it feel/sound different. If it's only over cork (and not a 1/2" plywood upon layers of subfloor), that gives me some height to play w/.

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 Post subject: Re: layers to apply for 5/16 hardwood above grade
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:00 pm 
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I was looking at underlayment and here it says that it is not recommended for solid woods less than 3/8" thick ... ... 2008&nsa=1 ... at the bottom.

So I'm thinking about now putting this wood as glue down over cork. And if anyone has any links to complete exactly how this should go down, much appreciated.

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