WOW, My floors are done. They look fantastic! Stairs turned out great as well.
Thank you all for the help!
Tid Bits for DIYers in my situation:
Brazilian Cherry, Beautiful, hard to nail, split tounges, splinters are like metal splinters.
The Harbor Freight floor nailer worked flawlessly! At $130 I couldn't have rented a nailer for a week. It's for sale BTW
U-SAND worked great once I had my wife ride on top (Literally) during the 40 grit sanding. After that it was easy and fool proof. The first room without her on top took 4 hours the hall and the next room took an hour and a half.
Urathane glue on the steps is the way to go no question. They don't squeek and are rock solid. It's a little messy but cleaned up well.
Bona Traffic: AWESOME! Spend the money! No smell, easy, dries fast, tough! I have an extra gallon BTW.
Hope this helps someone.
Thanks again all!