Re-used flooring will have a special problem after it is fastened down the second time. Since the boards have been sanded and then moved, each board will be smooth, but not all the same thickness depending on where in the room they were located. This will be a challenge when sanding flat again since all the overwood will need to be smoothed to the thinnest board in the vicinity. If you can find a pattern to be able to recover enough wood to be used in your spot you need to plan things well. You can glue or nail the wood, but the tarpaper will have to be left out, and this is a moisture barrier that protects against moisture coming from below the floor, through the sub-floor. If the flooring has been acclimated then some seasonal difference in moisture content of the flooring ought not to effect it enough to be a problem. The existing sub-floor will be adequate and strong, and stiffer than a plywood sub-floor of the same thickness. Just cross the sub-floor verses laying the flooring parallel to it.