Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Installing hardwood over old linoleum - nail or glue?
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:53 pm 
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Joined: Tue May 17, 2011 3:33 pm
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This weekend, my wife and I are installing solid bamboo floors over our apartment's dirty old linoleum floors (I was advised to install over the old linoleum rather than try and remove it, since linoleum gets harder to remove with age).

My question is this: is it better to nail the floors or glue them?

Nailing seems like a faster, easier process (albeit more expensive, since we would have to rent a nail gun and compressor for over $80 a day). But I'm a bit concerned about the potential release of asbestos from the floors. They're old -- likely 40 to 50 years old, and I'm fairly sure they have asbestos in them. Will nailing into them cause the release of harmful asbestos?

Glueing is obviously the other option, but it seems like a more time consuming, less efficient method. Most online tutorials suggest nailing... does the glue even adhere to linoleum? Some links suggest it doesn't.

Also, is it necessary to install an underlay pad, since its over linoleum? Is roofing felt the best option?

Any suggestions or answers to my (many) questions would be very much appreciated.


-- Chet

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 Post subject: Re: Installing hardwood over old linoleum - nail or glue?
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:55 pm 
Prized Contributor

Joined: Sat May 02, 2009 3:45 pm
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Location: Tucson AZ
Real lino never had asbestos's that I know of. It's the old vinyl and vinyl tiles. It's whats under it that would determine if nailing is feasable or not.

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: Installing hardwood over old linoleum - nail or glue?
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:56 pm 
Valued Contributor

Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:36 pm
Posts: 705
u can nail or glue it...

glue as long as Lino is secure to substrate....give a scour to ruff up is recommended...

if nailing, u dont need paper, however it is recommended to prevent' plasticising..
which would then effect expansion/contraction..between u and I..we never put pper over lino and NEVER hd an issue

its actually a great moisture barrier..=)

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 Post subject: Re: Installing hardwood over old linoleum - nail or glue?
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:01 pm 
New User

Joined: Tue May 17, 2011 3:33 pm
Posts: 2
Thanks so much for the advice!

Seems like nailing it the best option for us.

Very much appreciated.


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 Post subject: Re: Installing hardwood over old linoleum - nail or glue?
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:26 am 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:28 pm
Posts: 471
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
It depends upon what is under the linoleum. If it is plywood, osb, or pine planks nail it. If not glue it, that is if the manufacturer says the product can be glued.

Rhodes Hardwood Flooring
Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN

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