dennis wrote:
I still cant get my head around the idea that the installer would knowingly install this floor with a built in gap down the middle of the room.
If he worked for me, he wouldn't be working for me, if you get my drift.
Where is the pride of workmanship? It cant be all about the money, and I am sure that had the problem been accurately described to the OP he/she would have been amenable to corrective measures.
Ssince this is now an existant problem, and there is no solution forthcoming from the installer, I recommend that the OP hire a professional installer to do whatever it takes to make it right.
This is what I have a problem with. How can an installer knowingly do something like this ???
Money isnt everything, and I'm sure the installer made plenty. How long would it have taken to hit the hump with an edger ? I am constantly doing extra little things that do not even need to be brought up to the customer, so the jobs right. Trying to sqeez the customer and then having him sign a release is rediculous. If the customer knew he was going to have a gap in the middle of the floor...Yah, I'm sure he would have signed. Am I missing something here?? Takes very little time and it's RIGHT. We all know about how much business you lose from one disatisfied customer, was it worth it ?? Here the installer lost referrals, he has a headache, the homeowner is not happy and will spread the word. And for WHAT. Sand the DAMN HUMP. The homeowner will see the small extra attention and be happy, and spread the word. Dont be petty and squeez the customer and create this situation.
Ofcoarse a subfloor that has numerous issues that is out of spec is a labor intensive extra.
I hate to be sour grapes here but...Yah, let the installer squeez his putty into the gap down the middle of the floor, a Bamboo floor on top of it, which will look like crap, collect dirt, and fall apart over time, which is the result of a hump down the middle of the floor(that the installer could have fixed in 15 minutes),which most likely is showing a peak as well

Then call a professional to tear it up and do it right.