jjsabenorio wrote:
I think I found the problem! The floor was pinched in a couple of spots where the speaker wires were forcing the floor very tight to the wall...i trimmed the floor with a toe-kick saw...left the baseboards off...and placed heavy furniture on the puffy area. Do you know if this is a good idea or should I put the base and furniture back and let nature take it's course???
Yes, nice website, welcome !

That's great news ! It sure sounded from the description that odds were good it was moisture related.
It cant hurt to leave the base off, and have heavy furniture on the area. I would take a measurement of the height , of the buckled area. That way you can show the customer the progress, thus proving the problem is solved. You can then put their home back together in a timely manner , and the floor will continue to relax to it's original flatness.