JamesTRD wrote:
You can glue it with Bostiks Best or Ultra Step.
let the sticky stuff and gravity do its thing.
you will need straps to pull the courses tight.
a power jack to close at the walls is useful as well.
if you are inexperienced then this may be a very difficult install for you.
A quality mill/product is especially important
you can also look into Elastilon underlayment.
That is interesting, the adhesive moves with the wood

I really want to try to put the flooring that I already have down. It was special ordered because Home Depot does not stock natural maple floor out here so I won't be able to return it.
If you don't mind me asking a few questions, how much would I need to lay 200 sf? That Bostiks is kind of pricey, but if it will work I will splurge

Also, do you think it would be a good idea to first glue 4 rows of flooring together with t&G glue, and then adhesive them down after they are one solid piece (now a 9" wide plank - 4 rows of 2-1/4") to the subfloor? I can make brackets and use ratchet straps to pull the flooring together, and then lay a few hundred lbs of weight plates on top of the 9" x 12' plank to glue it to the floor. When I get to the end I would probably just lay aluminum stock along the wall and hammer some wooden wedges in to squeeze the last row tight.
I would like to try this on this one room if it is possible. I really like solid flooring, everything else is crap in my mind.

Thank you for your help James, and everyone else too!